Dear Jim and Noel,
thanks for your letter outlining your concerns for your industry and Eden and the Shire in general.
I am pleased to provide you with my response.
Question 1:
You are a candidate for the forthcoming
Bega Shire Council elections. Can you
please tell our Branch what your views are on the future operation of the Chipmill
and Blueridge Sawmill in Eden and the timber industry in general.
I am not aware of any outstanding
issues concerning these companies with the current BVS council, however
my views and philosphy are as follows:
1. I believe in transparency, being responsible and willing to be held accountable for my actions.
that end, if elected I would endeavor to uphold the existing due
process of the council when considering issues put before the council.
Further to this, I would consider it unreasonable to vote against the
legitimate outcome of such a process, and would find it unconscionable
to do so.
said that, when the facts change, I reserve the right to change my
mind - but I would explain this when voting, not hide behind any smoke
and mirrors. Further to this, if the due process is wrong, then I would
endeavour to have the process changed as well, not simply 'accept
defeat' of the bureacracy.
a councillor is not required to explain their vote, which I find
ridiculous - every councillor should be required to explain the reasons
behind a vote that does not follow the advice given to the council, and
such contrary reasons should only be allowed given certain factors have
occurred (I don't know what these factors might be, but they would have
to be compellling enough to warrant going against the advice being
received by the council).
Question 2
Do you understand the issues around Eden for
example, fishing, abalone, wharf usage, and of course the timber industry.
I do not profess to be aware of all the issues around Eden, or even understand the background behind all of them.
However, I am aware of the industries in Eden (fishing, forestry, new wharf precinct/plan).
I am happy to be informed and if elected would endeavour to do my own
research for each issue rather than simply rely upon other councillors
or the media.
Question 3:
Would you also enlighten us as to how you
want to better serve ALL the towns in the Shire and what you see as the most
pressing issues for the Shire.
The issues facing all towns in the shire, are pretty much the same. And the same as they have always being. What to do about aging infrastructure (roads, bridges, buildings), an aging population, options for our children, jobs....
One approach is to hold the hand out to the State
Government for more grants, and yes, this needs to continue - but we
also need to be able to remove the barriers which stop things getting
done, so we can turn these challenges into opportunities - how can we
take advantage of renewable energy technology, revitalising existing
industries whilst creating new ones, turning our existing economy into a
grener economy with a knowledge focus. I don't know how, but I do know
that continuing as we are isn't the answer.
Hope this gives you an idea of where I am coming from?
all the best with your campaign
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