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Thursday, 23 August 2012

LEtter to the BDN editor to appear 23August 2012

Hi there,

here is my response to the Bega District News (BDN) Q&A for the upcoming elections on Saturday 8th September.

It was due at 10am Thursday 23 August, but I stupidly missed the deadline - so it probably wont appear, but maybe in another edition.

However, I am still copying it here for posterity and completeness...

BDN Q&A 10am Thursday 23 August 100-150 words
Q:Where do you stand on the big developments proposed for the Bega Valley Shire? (examples include the Central Waste Facility, Bega McDonald’s, Bega Civic Centre/ Town Hall precinct, Tathra Ring Road, Merimbula Airport extension).  What are your views on shire growth and, if elected, how do you intend to follow up on the proposals already in motion?

I would respect previous council decisions, particularly the CWF. Our heritage should be preserved and if I could I would move the Bega McDonalds. It is a disgrace that previous councillors flaunted due process and seemed unable to forecast predictable major works, like the airport fiasco. If elected I would yank the council’s head out of the ground concerning planning, technology, energy and tourism. If the council doesn’t lead the way, then it should work out how to ‘get out of the way’ so our entrepreneurs can create opportunities locally. We need to look at how other councils are thriving or dying and learn from them. If elected I would look at capitalising on existing industries like tourism, new opportunities including energy production, new technology (IT/the NBN and the knowledge economy), the establishment of “innovation parks” and removing barriers to innovation in the health and aged care industries.

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