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Sunday, 23 October 2011

I'm back!

Hello there,

well I am back at the blogface, recharged and excited to be once again swinging my own opinions around to anyone whom can be bothered to have a look out there in the internet ether!

So where have I been and what have I been doing since my last blog, way back in March 2011 (over half a year ago!) I hear you all desperately asking...well, here goes - and for those new here, please forgive the overly indulgent gasbag of my personal life, but after I get this out of my system I will stick to the more trashy political opinions I would really like to share with you instead! :)

So after my unsuccesfult tilt at the state elections (but a very healthy 4% of the primary vote!) I decided to take some time out and started the usual introspection and naval gazing, what could I do better/different/if at all next time etc and decided that before answering all those very important questions I needed to firstly reorganise my priorities between mortgage paying work and other things that I would like to be doing instead! Nothing unusual with that, almost like 95% of the rest of the world I would say....

So, yes, I am still lucky enough to be working for a great not for profit organisation, big tick there!

Have done a lot of work catching up on my owner/builder house extensions - about half way now, sort of! ?Another big tick!

But to do that I had to reduce my hours with my other activities (President of the local Merimbula Mens Shed, board member of a local charity the Mumbulla foundation, board member of the local Merimbula Chamber of Commerce) and refocus my attention on work (new job, same company!) and family...which has worked out well. All organisations amazingly managed to survive and prosper with out me being there!

I am now feeling much more relaxed and energetic, and looking forward to a tilt at the next local government elections in March 2012 - only 4 and bit months away!

Stay tuned!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Last blog - for now!

Hello there,

Just quickly, as I know most of us hate long drawn out and teary farewells....this will probably be my last blog for a while (although probably not my last). At this moment in time I do intend to have a tilt at the local Bega Valley Shire Council election in 2012, so keep an ear out!

And as for this election, wow! what an exhilerating challenge and experience. Thanks to everyone who voted for me!

Obviously congratulations are due to the liberals but let's not forget all the other candidates whom stood up for democracy and what they believe in as well. I am proud to stand, albeit in just a very small way, beside them in this electorate.

And just over 5% of the Bega electorate liked what I had to say....unless pulling the first square on the ballot paper scored a lot of donkey votes! Even if I do say so myself I think this is quite an achievement considering that I did not have any advertising, not much profile or awareness of who I was in the community, no party philosophy or policy support or an army of volunteers to help out!

Thanks to everyone whom voted, as of Saturday 2nd April 2011 the ABC election website is saying that almost 92% of  the votes for Bega have been counted and I am sitting on a whopping (from my perspective!) 5.3 % or 2,336 well wishes. I am very proud and excited to have had a go, despite the fait accomple cicumstances of this election...the sooner we realise the limitations of the two party system the better!

I also hope Andrew Constance realises the enormity of his responsibiltiy to represent the people of this electorate, especially now that there is no place to hide. After 8 years of 'oppostion member' excuses he will have to either put up and deliver what little he promised for us, or risk being exposed once and for all as just another career party politician. I sincerely hope that for all our sakes Mr constance does deliver, 4 years is a very long time to put up with under funded roads and hospitals, to name just two issues affecting all of us.

all the best,
Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.
working for you: real representation, real change, real honesty in politics 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:

Friday, 25 March 2011

Thank you to everyone's kind wishes and emails, good luck to us all this Saturday!

Hi there,

well the experience has been worth it, and I have learnt a lot. And I am a big believer in "its not over till its over", so I expect I will probably post a few more blogs through the day!

Thanks to everyone who has supported me and given advice over the last few weeks and in some cases months!

I have really appreciated your time and input, and couldn't have really considered nominating myself without your (usually) positive but always sincere feedback.

I also want to thank everyone for taking the time to just read my blog.

And finally, thank you to the other candidates, who have for the most part been professional, courteous and honest. We all know who hasn't been. But at least I did manage to get the liberals to recognise that they need to represent the actual constituents of this electorate, and made them at least come up with a "local plan"....even if it is pretty devoid of any detail (just another wish list unfortunately).

Remember, if we want to avoid making the same mistakes over and over then we need to do something different - vote for yourself this election, not a party, vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Andrew Constance - liberal with the truth again

Hi there,

Andrew Constasnce is refusing to acknowledge that he threatened to knock my block off, and wont apologise for his unacceptable behaviour.

I don't know what school yard Mr Constance thought he was in, but I am a grown man living in Australia in 2011. I wont tolerate bullies, especially from someone elected to represent us.

And he is now advertising on TV that he in fact does have a local plan! yay! Finally, some commitment.

What, no details? No promises? Ah, the plan is to actually not do much at all, see what the liberals can get away with for another 4 years. But it is still a local plan! Very clever.

See my media release about it here.

Don't forget this Saturday, March 26th - Vote 1 Ivan McKay, and stop the rot.

kind regards
Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.
working for you: real representation, real change, real honesty in politics 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:

Monday, 21 March 2011

Media Release concerning threats to "knock you block off" - released 20MArch2011

Hi there,

please find below a copy of the media release I sent out  concerning the threats made by Andrew Constance, liberal candidate in this election, on 17 March.

It is hosted under Google docs here.

I sent this media release to the following outlets:

Merimbula News Weekly
Bega District News
Narooma News
Bay Post
Eden Magnet
Moruya Voice (newsletter)
ABC Local radio
Edge FM community radio

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Post mortem of Liberla candidates threat to "knock my head off"

Hi there,
I have had a few replies and feedback to my post about Andrew Constance threatening to knock my block off at the Eden fishermans Club.

Some have said that I should suck it up, that this is politics. Others have riased concenrs that I shouldn't be seen to be p'playing the man' insteadof the policies that are important.

Except my policy difference is that I will represent this electorate first, not a party. So my main eleciton policy is entirely and all about the work I will do in this electorate for this electorate, not work done for the party by taking our votes for granted.

But I am seriously thinking about sending out a media release about the behaviour, so that  he is outed for behaving in such an unprofessional manner.
I mean, do we really want someone who makes threats like this and behaves like a school yard bully to represent us?
Is Andrew Constance so confident of being returned to power next week that he has forgotten how to behave in public?

This outburst actually follows hot on the heels of his rude and dismissive comments made to both me and the general public on Monday night in Merimbula, when he kept interrupting a member of the public who was trying to ask a question about $2 million in funding that AC apparently was able to find - and wrote about in the MNW and other papers (as AC is an oppostion member I find this difficult to believe), as part of the merger of two local public schools...but in fact has not materialised anywhere...
and then he also kept interrupting me when I was talking about the local health/hospital situation, again, quite rude and dismissive "you don't know what you are talking about", "why don't you shut up", and when pushed to advise exactly what he is prmising to deliver for this electorate ovethe next 4 years, not saying much at all.

Is it jsut me or does this behaviour illustrate just how out of touch Mr Constance and the liberals are with the local Bega electorate?

If any other candidate had made these remarks, either to Mr Constance or another candidate, of course they would not be tolerated and we would have been brought to taks over them. Why should we put up with this behaviour because Mr Constance is the sitting member?

Andrew Constance is so confident of being returned to power that he has already started stating so in his presentations to the general public, as he let slip during the Eden presentations.

There is such a thing as confidence and then there is arrogance. Unfortunately for us and the rest of the voters in this electorate, Mr Constance is so arrogant that he doesn’t think he even has to represent us to get out vote.
And now apparently Mr Constance even feels that he can openly threaten other candidates for daring to challenge him. How outrageous.

The liberal party has promised nothing for this electorate except more of the same inaction, despite claiming to have already won the election.
If the liberals are in Government and Andrew Constance wins the seat of Bega, then there is nothing to stop them from finally  fixing our roads, hospitals and infrastructure.
But the problem is, for some reason they just seem to think that they can get away with doing nothing real for this electorate for another 4 years.
No wonder people are angry with all of the major parties, not just the labour party, with an attitude like this.
We have to ask outselves - do we want bullies and party yes men representing us or do we want real representation?
VOTE1 iVAN Mckay
Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.
working for you: real representation, real change, real honesty in politics 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:

1 minute closing address at the Eden "Meet the Candidates" forum 17 March

Hi there,

at the end of the Eden Chamber of Commerce's 'meet the candidates' forum on 17 March (held at the Eden Fishermans Club), all candidates were given 1 minute for a closing address.

I wrote mine whilst the others were talking - I had expected some sort of closing remarks, but not a full minute.

Here is what I said:

Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to be here tonight. I want to close with a few points.
Firstly, don't be impressed by Andrew's grasp and display of policy detail and facts and figures - it is his full time job and he has been doing it for 8 years.
What we should be foscussing on is what is everyone going to do for this region over the next 4 years - and none of the parties are willing to commit to promising anything. Are you OK with this?
If the liberals get in, Andrew has already said he wont do anything, he wont make a difference.
So why not try how a genuine indpendent could represent you?
If another party gets government, then Andrew still can't do anything.
But if parliament is hung, and there is a balance of power situation, then no party representative will be able to achieve anything...
only an independent can.
The parties have lost touch.
We need community representation, which is why I am asking for your vote.

Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.
working for you: real representation, real change, real honesty in politics 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:

Friday, 18 March 2011

My speech given at the Eden Fishermans Club 7pm 17 March

Hi there,

some of you may have noted an earlier blog yesterday where I stated that Andrew Constance threatened to "knock my block off". Here is the speech that set him off.

In particular, AC elected to interpet the part about the car accident as a personal attack, when in fact it was highlighting the fact that despite personally being involved in a serious car accident that injured himself and his wife, AC is still unable to promise any funding to this electorate to fix the roads and hospitals that the rest of us are forced to put up with. Luckily for AC he was able to take advantage of private health care. A luxury not available to most of us.

The forum was organised by the Eden Chamber of Commerce, and was held at the Eden Fishermans Club on Thursday 17 March. It kicked off about 7pm.
All candidates were given 5 minutes to talk, and our order for talking was drawn from a hat. Ursula Bennet was unfortunately unable to attend. Liberals first, then labour, then me, then greens.
No real topic was identified or specified to be addressed, except a vague "why should we vote for you". 
For a quick bit of background, I had learnt from my 2008 local council campaign that it is very difficult to rise above the noise of every other candidate saying very similar things. So as part of my campaign this time around I decided to focus not on big policy issues or even what needs doing in this electorate (we all know what they are) but what I would do differently if elected, compared to the major parties and their candidates.
And in particular, given the "popularity" enjoyed by AC/the liberals, I knew that for any real chance of winning I had to specifically target what I could do better than the liberals and Andrew Constance. And don't ask me why AC is so popular, it beats me - he hasn't really been able to achieve anything significant for this electorate and even now with the expected liberal government about to happen and he finally does have a chance to do something for us at last he still doesn't think it necessary to do anything at all !  
So my speech them became : Why voters should vote for an independent instead of incumbent member liberal candidate Andrew Constance.
Note that on the night I was able to add small bits to my pre-prepared speech, based on the comments made by the candidates that had presented ahead of me, and I have inlcuded these as well. Some disparity may exist to what was actually said and the gist of the speech, but in essence this is it.
The footnotes were not presented, but I had expected to be challenged on them and so came prepared with my facts - nobody did question or deny them though.
Hello there, and thanks for coming tonight, and thank you to the Eden Chamber of Commerce for organising.
And thanks also to you Andrew, your speech sounds almost word for word like you have been reading my responses in the newspapers lately – but disappointingly you have talked about all the important issues, but, and as usual, you have failed to promise to actually do anything about them?!
Look, I’ve only been given 5 minutes to talk, and I know before I even start that I can’t and shouldn’t compete with the power, money and just plain arrogance of the major parties. 
So I wont.
But then why be here at all?
Why would I even nominate as a candidate in this election if I’m not going to compete with the parties?
Well, I didn’t say I wouldn’t be trying to win!
The problem for me is the parties aren’t working.
The parties aren’t representing us anymore.
The parties are arrogant and have lost touch, just like Andrew and the liberals over here. The parties think that they can take our votes for granted.
Andrew has already stated in his speech that he is going to win along with the liberals.
But what the parties don’t want any of us thinking about on election day is that in this electorate we have a genuine choice for someone else than a party hack.
But this still doesn’t answer the question, which is probably on all of your minds - why would you vote for me? What can I do against these rich, powerful and arrogant parties?
How can I really make a difference?
Well, for starters, and most importantly, I will actually represent you.
I don’t have to toe the party line. 
If elected I wont vote for how the Party tells me to in Parliament, but then blatantly say another thing in public, pretending that I support you, like Andrew has [1]done.
As the only independent candidate in this election, I represent the only genuine choice you have.
A vote for me is a vote for yourself.
I will work for everyone in this electorate.
Every one in Eden.
Not just for those people who agree with the party philosophy. Not for a faceless party machine controlled by some invisible person living somewhere else. If elected, I will work for you.
I will listen to and work for the people of this community. I wont take your votes for granted like Andrew Constance and the liberal party have done.
I even actually live in this electorate, and I know from personal experience what services we need.
I can proudly say that I have been in involved in many community associations, all in my own time and for free, including being inaugural President of the Merimbula Mens Shed, a director of the Merimbula Area Chamber of Commerce and also on the Board of the Mumbulla Foundation, a well known charity that has donated funds to many community groups all over this shire for many years. Like many of you, I also work full time, have been in some very tight financial situations, have owned my own business and am a family man. I know how all of this feels and the stresses of just being an ordinary fella making ends meet.
But Andrew and the liberals can hardly be bothered to talk to us unless it’s voting time! Andrew has recently been involved in a serious car accident on our roads. And a photo in the paper shows that he needed/elected to use the services of a Private Sydney Children’s hospital rather than the hospitals down here. A choice many of us would not be able to make.  But instead of galvanising the liberals into doing something for us in this electorate, we still have no promises. In fact, what we have been told by Andrew is that other towns have been waiting longer for their hospitals and therefore have a higher priority. Fair enough, we can be down the queue a bit – just promise us we are getting one! But no, they haven't. No hospital.
I think this illustrates just how much Andrew has lost touch with us and our needs.
Make him listen and vote 1 Ivan McKay this election.
This sends a message that we are well and truly tired of being ignored,    over     and    over    again.
And if you are worried about wasting your vote, then simply put a 2 against your preferred party on the ballot paper, after putting a 1 against my name: how hard is that?
When your vote is counted, the message will be clear: the parties have to start listening or lose office. And if I don’t get in, then your vote wont be wasted! How can you lose?
But again, what can I really do? It’s a Good question.
Instead, let’s ask ourselves, what has Andrew and the liberals already done for us? Actually for this electorate? For Eden even? After all, we have supported Andrew for 8 long years haven’t we, and the liberals since at least 1988 when this electorate was formed?  
Can’t think of anything? Why not? Because there hasn’t been much. Andrew will tell you that he has in fact done a lot. And he has, heaps. But just not for this electorate. Just not for us.  For the liberal party.
Are you OK with this? Do you want another 4 years of nothing much representing you?
Don’t we deserve more?
Look, let’s be real – Andrew is a career politician and simply is not interested in his local community. He is more concerned about increasing his [2]$300,000 politicians’ income by becoming a Minister. The last thing he has on his mind is genuinely helping us. He is arrogant, has lost touch and just pays lip service to the burden of actually representing this community.
If elected I wont let this happen and I will represent you.
Now, the liberals are always the first to point out that their candidate couldn’t do much under a labour government. I can accept this, at least the liberals are admitting that he wasn’t very effective. But if the liberals do get in, with Andrew, shouldn’t we be expecting to fix all the things Andrew has learnt about over the last 8 years? And yet their promises for this electorate are very very quiet and empty. You can’t have your cake and eat it too Andrew.
Bottom line is the Liberals aren’t promising much for us. They will pretend they are. If parliament is hung we may never get a similar opportunity to get the things we need. Hospitals, better roads, genuine employment and well funded public education.
If the Liberals get in with Andrew then we wont get any of these things.
Is this OK with you?
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, and vote for yourself.
Thanks for your time.

[1] re Tathra 300 dwelling development where Andrew voted (successfully) in parliament for changes to local shire regulations (Part 3A planning powers) that disallows/denies local residents input into developers large DA applications for their local area, but publicly announced his support for the affected the residents and would do whatever he could to help (which was absolutely nothing).

Or publicly supporting local workers but forgetting to advise them that he voted in Parliament to weaken workers compensation laws.

Concise snapshot of my 'policies' for the issues affecting the Bega electorate

In an earlier blog I advised how I would develop my 'policies' for this electorate, if elected.

And for anyone whom has been following the responses I have made in the various newspaper candidate forums leading up to the election on Saturday 26 March, you may have a good idea of where I stand.

However, for the sake of transparency, convenience and putting everything in one place, here is a reminder 'snap shot' of these responses.

I challenge any of the other candidates to do the same - a list of their position on these issues, a list of their promises for this elecotrate (not a list of what is needed, we all know that) but actual, fair dinkum promises, in writing, to fix things.

And finally, just in case you might be scared off or bored out of your brain with the prospect of reading my 'election manifesto', please note that I have attempted to reduce them all to around 50-100 words.

This snapshot obviously does not allow the devil in the detail to come out, but it does give you a concise view of my consistent point of difference to the major parties, as follows:
-I will listen to you first, not a party bureacracy;
-I will represent you only. Not party policy first; then party bureaucracy, promotions and mates second; and then finally, the people living in the Bega electorate a very distant third;
-I will always vote in the best interests of the residents of this electorate, not the lobby groups.
-I wont be distracted by chasing party promotions and trying to become a minister - I will remain focussed on being here, living here, knowing our needs and representing you;
-I mean what I say and say what I mean - no spin, no secrets, no back room deals.

I fully support 100% public health cover. I am disgusted that our healthcare is slowly being eroded and replaced by private health companies. I have been told many times by many people that they want their taxes spent on health, education and infrastructure. If elected I will support this outcome.
I believe that aged care will be one of the biggest social problems that Australians’ will face in the future. It will be a huge issue in the Bega electorate, given our own aged care demographic. As a government it is our responsibility to manage this impending crisis, not outsource it.
We need to balance immediate problems versus long term planning. We need to plan for prevention and improve community resilience. Listening to local community workers facing this crisis is where to start, not a generic one size fits all cookie cutter solution imposed on us by another faceless party machine.
Don’t settle for the small things in life. We need to think big . There are many ways to encourage investment, like the new regional hospital, aged care facilities, tourism, fixing our major roads, investment in new businesses like call centres, education and renewable energy.
What good will a carbon tax do for anyone if it isn’t priced right or the wrong industries are exempted? I think most people agree we should be paying for what we use. Which includes paying for the costs of waste and pollution management for that product.  This is what a carbon tax is. The GST was the big devil that would kill small business, but we adapted and it didn’t really change much after all. A carbon tax will advise the consumer just what the real costs are in manufacturing that product, allowing us to make more informed purchasing decisions. In the long run, do we think behaving irrationally and selfishly, like the liberals seem to think is OK, and opposing a carbon tax, is an acceptable alternative to securing our environment and our future? I support a carbon tax, but I also support the provision of short term help for those less fortunate in our communities to help them adapt.
I live in this electorate, and have done it tough. I can’t speak for the other candidates, but I know what it is like to get a helping hand when in need, and for the short term this is something that I would work hard for the people of this electorate to be able to access as well. Of course any short term solution should be means tested. But in the long run, we need sustainable answers for our future, not handouts. But we can’t wait for someone else to do this for us – we need to think big and do it ourselves. why can’t we produce our own energy and sell the surplus?
This highway is the lifeblood of the south coast of NSW. Residents, tourists and commercial traffic are on it every day, in increasing numbers. It needs fixing, and it needs to be future proof, not a band aid solution. There are many black spots that need attention and I would work with all levels of government to prioritise them and use the funding as effectively as possible.
I do not believe the public should be funding private education. I believe we need better public schools and clearer education pathways for our children no matter when they leave the education system. We need access to higher forms of education in this electorate, from TAFES, VET RTOS and uni outreach centres.
We aren’t going to resolve this by arguing on the side of the road. We need rational, reasonable debate. We need to consider the big picture, world economic and resource management responsibility, not just these forests right now. We need to think of our own consumption which drives demand for forest products, and raise our own levels of awareness of these issues. We need to balance the immediate needs of families working in these industries right now with achievable, long term and sustainable practices.

If elected how will I formulate policy?

Hi there,

I have had a few swinging voters ask me how I can formulate real, detailed policy on the "big issues" without the resources of a party machine behind me.

This is a really good question.

My answer is really simple.

If elected the community in the Bega electorate will be my source of expertise. These volunteers whom are geuninely interested and passionate about their issue will be invited to participate in any process where we develop the answers to the needs of our communities, not simply implementing the generic "one size fits all" ideas that the partys are trying to convince you is your only choice.

That doesn't mean that in this process we would ignore input from other epxerts, groups, organsiations and other parties, just that at the end of the day, the votes I make in Sydney would be based on a considered and informed process which would reflect the needs of my community, not a party machine.

Even for the issues which aren't directly specific to this community. I will still listen to and work for the residents of this community and represent our views when it comes to lobbying and voting in Sydney. Not a hidden agenda of powerful lobby groups working on whichever major party most aligns with their naked philosophical view of the world.

kind regards
Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent. 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Stunned by Constance Hypocrisy

Hi there,

well last night's public candidate discusison at the EdenFishermans Club was interesting.

Andrew threatened to "knock my head off" and then went back into Mr smooth spinmeister polly mode by talking about all the things that Eden needs, but promising to do nothing about them.

What a joke. The liberals must think we are all such fools for taking this sort of behaviour and believing that we don't see that they are doing nothing for this electorate.

its my kids birthday later today, so I will fill in the details this afternoon

kind regards

Why vote 1 for Ivan McKay this election? Because it is a vote for you!

Hi there,

well, we are almost into the final week. Don't forget to keep spreading the message! We can make a difference this eleciton by Voting 1 for your only genuine independent, Ivan McKay.

Most of the papers are doing final comments and forums next week for the candidates as the election weekend looms.

And these final questions are all starting to coallesce to the same question/message :

Why vote for Ivan McKay?

Well, it's simple really.

You will get honesty, real genuine representation and commitment.

You will get someone who actually lives in this electorate. And because of this, you will get someone who knows and understands what it is like to not have decent health services, poor roads, unpredictable employment and wonders what sort of education their kids will get.

You will get someone actively involved in their community, not just someone canvassing votes and trying to do deals at election time. You will get someone who can listen, has an open mind and does not have to toe the party line. You will get empowerment, independence and freedom of choice.

You wont get arrogance, imposed cookie cutter solutions and a party representative more interested in their next party promotion than listening to your needs.

You wont get a career politician hiding behind their parties statistics and figures which result in meaningless outcomes for this community, like Andrew Constance. You wont get someone saying one thing in the local papers and behind closed doors but then voting another way in Parliament.

At this election vote 1 Ivan McKay and make the liberal party stop taking our votes for granted in this electorate.

I am the only independent candidate at this election, and I am standing up because I think the major parties have lost touch. I am the only candidate representing  genuine choice.
I will work for everyone, not a party machine. I will listen to and work for the people of this community. I wont take your votes for granted like Andrew Constance. He can hardly be bothered to talk to us unless it’s voting time! Make him listen and vote 1 Ivan McKay this election.
This sends a message that we are sick and tired of being ignored.
But what if I don't get elected? Wont your vote be wasted? No!
If you are worried about wasting your vote, then put a 2 against your preferred party: how hard is that? When the votes are counted, the message will be clear - we are unhappy. The parties will have to listen or lose office. 

Your vote gets counted again if I don't get in, going to your preferred party - but you will have sent them a strong message to start listening. You can't lose!
But really, bottom line, what can I do for you? How can I compete against the party machines?
Well, I wont. I will use them to our advantage. I believe that there is a very strong chance that the NSW State parliament will be hung and will require a new coalition to form a government. But the parties don't want you thinking like that!
The parties don't want you to think you have any other choice but a party! They are taking us all for fools.
So, I wont compete with the parties. I wont have to, in a hung parliament the independents have the balance of power. I will simply do what needs to be done and represent my community.
In fact, I already work for and represent my community, and have done so for many years. I do this in my own time, and don’t get paid for it.
Andrew and the liberals can’t be bothered to talk to us unless they have to. Andrew is a career politician and not interested in his local community. Ask yourself, what has he achieved for this electorate after 8 years? Not much, which is such a disgrace it should be a crime. What has he done for us? For this electorate?

But this isn't fair - - he was working as an oppositon member under the labour government. OK, so after 8 years of being held back he can finally do something for us if the liberals get in! yay! Wont that be fantastic! what is he ogign to do first? fix health? no. Roads? No. Infrastructure spending? No...what is he goign to do? nothing actually. No moneyhas been allocated to this electorate by the liberals if they get in. Hang on, I thought that Andrew Constance couldn't do anythign becuase he was an oppostion member working under a labour government. But this looks like no change at all?

Do you want another 4 years of nothing much representing you? I sure don't.

If Andrew is re-elected we will pay him $1.2 million over these 4 years- don't we deserve something for this representation?
I live in this community. I think Andrew only pays lip service. He thinks it is OK to say one thing to us, but then vote differently in Parliament. This will never happen if I am elected.
Andrew is arrogant, does not care about you and me and has lost touch. He is more concerned about increasing his annual $300,000 politicians’ income by becoming a Minister. The last thing he has on his mind is genuinely helping us.

If elected I wont let this happen and will represent you.
Bottom line is the Liberals aren’t promising much for us. They will pretend they are, with lots of numbers, announcements and adds – but how much will actually be spent here, in this electorate?  Are we getting a new hospital? No.
Are we getting our roads fixed? No.
Are we getting fair funding for our public schools? No.
Are we getting representation for everyone in this electorate? No.
But, if parliament is hung we may never get another opportunity to get these things that we need. Hospitals, better roads, genuine employment and well funded public education.
If Andrew Constance and the Liberals get in we wont get any of these things. This is a fact.
Is this OK with you?  It isn't OK with me.
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, and vote for yourself.
Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011

Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation

Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!

Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent. 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.

Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!

Visit my blog to find out more:

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Response to the Heart Foundations 7 key priorities for this election.

The Heart Foundation has emailed me asking whether I support their 7 key prioties for this election.

Here is my answer. Their  key priorities are listed below.
Dear Tony,
thank you for your email concerning the Heart Priorities key priotiy actions.
I agree with and support all of these priorities. If elected I would support changes in legislation to make these a reality.
However, as an independent candidate in a regional seat (Bega) I find myself struggling to convince the (predominantly aging locals) that it is their election choices which have the power to make these changes for their own benefits. They are unfortunately addicted to the ease and misplaced trust in party voting but unable to see that their health and public transport systems have slowly but surely been taken away in the details, by both liberal and labour policy.
And with an aging and underfunded hospital system coupled with extremely poor public transport options in the Bega electorate, with no plans or promises to replace or maintain or fix them, I can't help but worry about the our basic health future, let laone these specific priorities.
These key priorities would be great, but just good health care and public transport would be an improvement right now as well.
kind regards
Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:
Dear Sir or Madam
In the lead up to the State Election, the Heart Foundation has identified seven key priority actions that we believe represent the best investment the Government can make to improve heart health in New South Wales. These have been presented to both the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition.
As a candidate for the upcoming State Election I would like you to consider these priority areas and seek your support in their implementation:
The proposals span the areas of prevention, management and research and include:
1.      introducing a heart disease screening program, a vital weapon in the fight against the number one killer of Australian men and women
2.      a request for ongoing support of the NSW Cardiovascular Research Network
3.      making outdoor crowded areas and indoor workplaces smoke-free
4.      introducing mandatory labelling of trans fats on food products and nutritional information available on the fat, salt and kilojoule content of food sold in quick service restaurants (the latter was announced by the Premier on 7 November)
5.      investing in infrastructure that will support greater use of public transport and participation in walking and cycling
6.      setting targets to reduce disparities in the care Aboriginal people are given when they are admitted to hospital with heart disease
7.      support for state wide roll out of the Heart Foundation funded TV campaign called “Will you recognise your heart attack?”
The full ‘Time for Action in New South Wales’ policy document is available from: 
Yours sincerely
Tony Thirlwell

Monday, 14 March 2011

What is my 50 word policy on health?

Hello there,

As part of the Bega electorate candidate forum, the  Bay Post/Moruya Examiner has asked me to provide a 50 word limited response on the subject of  "health".

Here it is:

I fully support 100% public health cover. I am disgusted that our healthcare is slowly being eroded and replaced by private health companies. I have been told many times by many people that they want their taxes spent on health, education and infrastructure. If elected I will support this outcome.

Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011

Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation

Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!

Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent. 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.

Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!

Visit my blog to find out more: