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Saturday, 19 March 2011

1 minute closing address at the Eden "Meet the Candidates" forum 17 March

Hi there,

at the end of the Eden Chamber of Commerce's 'meet the candidates' forum on 17 March (held at the Eden Fishermans Club), all candidates were given 1 minute for a closing address.

I wrote mine whilst the others were talking - I had expected some sort of closing remarks, but not a full minute.

Here is what I said:

Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to be here tonight. I want to close with a few points.
Firstly, don't be impressed by Andrew's grasp and display of policy detail and facts and figures - it is his full time job and he has been doing it for 8 years.
What we should be foscussing on is what is everyone going to do for this region over the next 4 years - and none of the parties are willing to commit to promising anything. Are you OK with this?
If the liberals get in, Andrew has already said he wont do anything, he wont make a difference.
So why not try how a genuine indpendent could represent you?
If another party gets government, then Andrew still can't do anything.
But if parliament is hung, and there is a balance of power situation, then no party representative will be able to achieve anything...
only an independent can.
The parties have lost touch.
We need community representation, which is why I am asking for your vote.

Ivan McKay
Independent Candidate for Bega NSW 2011
Giving our community a real choice this election

No secrets, no spin, no party politics - just genuine representation
Make a difference this election, vote for a genuine, independent and local voice!
Vote 1 Ivan McKay, Independent.
working for you: real representation, real change, real honesty in politics 

Pass this message on and Vote1 Ivan McKay for real representation.
Tell your friends, there is a genuine choice for change this election!
Visit my blog to find out more:

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