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Sunday, 23 October 2011

I'm back!

Hello there,

well I am back at the blogface, recharged and excited to be once again swinging my own opinions around to anyone whom can be bothered to have a look out there in the internet ether!

So where have I been and what have I been doing since my last blog, way back in March 2011 (over half a year ago!) I hear you all desperately asking...well, here goes - and for those new here, please forgive the overly indulgent gasbag of my personal life, but after I get this out of my system I will stick to the more trashy political opinions I would really like to share with you instead! :)

So after my unsuccesfult tilt at the state elections (but a very healthy 4% of the primary vote!) I decided to take some time out and started the usual introspection and naval gazing, what could I do better/different/if at all next time etc and decided that before answering all those very important questions I needed to firstly reorganise my priorities between mortgage paying work and other things that I would like to be doing instead! Nothing unusual with that, almost like 95% of the rest of the world I would say....

So, yes, I am still lucky enough to be working for a great not for profit organisation, big tick there!

Have done a lot of work catching up on my owner/builder house extensions - about half way now, sort of! ?Another big tick!

But to do that I had to reduce my hours with my other activities (President of the local Merimbula Mens Shed, board member of a local charity the Mumbulla foundation, board member of the local Merimbula Chamber of Commerce) and refocus my attention on work (new job, same company!) and family...which has worked out well. All organisations amazingly managed to survive and prosper with out me being there!

I am now feeling much more relaxed and energetic, and looking forward to a tilt at the next local government elections in March 2012 - only 4 and bit months away!

Stay tuned!

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