Well I wish I knew what the truth was. What I do know is this:
the local council now has diddly real influence in the decision making process for the new Federally and state funded hospital in Bega...although their input at the time when the location was not yet decided was probably more biased than it should have been. Any 'referendum' on the subject at the next local election will neither prove anything or any feasible path of action, apart from being far too late - the time to act was during the state election, but you missed your chance, and we don't get to vote again for another 3 years...wonder if this will still be a hot topic then?
Talking about the state election, we now have a new elected Liberal Government now doing exactly the same things that the old elected labour government did - closing Pambula hospital by stealth, by attrition, by arms length, by bureacrats, by spin, by 'budget measures', by splitting the community (and pitting us against ourselves) but ultimately by pure condescension - our state pollies just don't care becuase they really do believe that most of the local voters either believe the spin, are confused by the spin or they are either stupid enough or think they are rich enough to beleive that they or someone they love wont ever be so unlucky to need Pambula Hosptial and 'don't care' either way....and the sad reality is the pollies have been proven right in this thinking time and time again. I have seen our local state member support both sides of the Pambula Hospital debate with skill and expertise, and not a single person is calling him on his bluff. He said he would restore Pambula Hospital - and he hasn't - this is a fact. Who is to blame? Well, obviously the local member is, but we are too...who voted them in?
If you want real representation, don't vote for a party hack - vote for a local independant who wants what you want, not some faceless party member back in Sydney.
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